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The Spring 2016 Issue

Volume 2 — Issue 2


Julia Waldow
Timmy Broderick
Chief Copy Editor
Amy Schatz
Assistant Copy Editor
Devon Musgrave-Johnson
Design Editor
Dani Gorton
Photography Editor
Jess Kusher
Zoe Chrissos
Cameron Messinides
Mary Lauren Miller
Yoobin Han
Henry Uhrik
Business Manager
Payton Cuddy

Letter from the Editors

Welcome to the fourth issue of newly-designed The Collegian Magazine.

Woven into these pages lies a familiar topic — education. Our feature story, “The Color of the Classroom,” explores the importance of fostering a diverse intellectual atmosphere at Kenyon. By delving into the College’s efforts to recruit and retain professors of color, “The Color of the Classroom” sees how far Kenyon has come, and how much further it needs to go.

This issue’s “Out of Reach” story, “The Gambier Experimental College,” profiles an alternative education model that offered non-traditional classes in subjects spanning from wine tasting to small engine repair. Drawing students from across the county, the school welcomed anyone with a desire to learn, whether atop the Hill or in the surrounding Knox County community.

Lastly, our profile on the financial crisis plaguing the East Knox Local School District (“The State of Education”) examines the consequences that result from failing to make education a priority. Delving into local and state factors alike, the piece questions how and why the district has suffered and what steps led to its current state of fiscal emergency.

This issue also tests new waters. “The Long Shadow” and “An Ode to Breakfast” mark our first forays into literary journalism and nonfiction. Design-wise, we’ve introduced new typefaces, cleaner layouts, and hand-drawn illustrations to liven up our pages and improve readability.

As our second year wraps up, we remain committed to publishing thought-provoking, long-form profiles and essays. We would be quite lost, however, without the continued support of many. First, thank you to the College and numerous local businesses for their financial backing. Second, to our mentors, P.F. Kluge, Ivonne García, and Rachel Shaver, whose guidance and patience helped us craft a product worth publishing. Third, to our talented and fearless team of editors, writers, designers, photographers, and illustrators, without whom this issue would not exist. And lastly, to you, dear reader, for making our journey worthwhile.


Julia Waldow & Timmy Broderick

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